Checking In


Hi there. How are you? I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. It’s hard to believe all that is going on in our world. Here in New York, we are all working from home and the city is eerily quiet. Working from home is completely foreign to me so I am trying to navigate it (and while Grant is home too!) and figure out what works best. 

Someone asked how I am structuring my day and to be honest, yesterday was rough! Today I resolved to set up more of a routine and schedule. I started my day with a Melissa Wood Health workout (my favorite at home workouts), breakfast & making a to-do list and showering & getting ready for the day as if I was going into work. I’m finding that having more structure sets you up to have a more productive day!

I struggled with the idea of writing posts during this time, but most of you are welcoming the distraction. I’m working on a few posts for week so more to come here. I know that we are all feeling a bit anxious and overwhelmed by the news, so I wanted to start by sharing some things that I’m doing and how I’m trying to stay positive in all of this…

— Watching feel good movies & shows / Last night we watched It’s Complicated—Nancy Meyers’ movies always lift my spirits and inspire me. I’m also going to be watching a lot of Monty Don’s garden tours on Netflix before they expire at the end of the month. They’re so calming and help fill the travel void. My favorite is his Italian Gardens series, but he also has a series of French gardens.

— Using a daily gratitude app / I started using this app, Grateful, a couple weeks ago and have found it to be so helpful especially during this time. It’s a very simple app, that prompts you every day to record what you’re grateful for, something that made you smile, etc. It’s nice to take a moment each day and find something you’re grateful for.

— Dressing comfortably / I have amassed quite the collection of loungewear (working on a separate post about this!) working at Lou & Grey so I feel super prepared for this. I’ve been living in these super-soft sweats and sweatshirts.

— Reading more / I am trying to limit my screen time and read more. It always helps me relax, especially before bed. I’m currently reading All the Light We Cannot See and definitely recommend it! I recently read and loved: Where the Crawdads Sing, Normal People, and Conversations with Friends. Some books on my list: The Dutch House, Maybe You Should Talk to Someone, and My Brilliant Friend (have heard great things about this whole series!).

— Prioritizing my health / I’m making sure I’m drinking tons of water, taking my daily vitamin and probiotic. I’ve also been drinking this natural immune support once or twice each week. Making time for working out, even if it’s a quick one, and getting plenty of sleep each night.

— Diving into my coffee table books / I have a sliiiight addiction to buying books, especially art and design books. I’m excited to spend time actually looking through them all and finding new inspiration and ideas. This book is on its way to me (thank you Kristin for the rec!) and I can’t wait to dive into it. More to come on this topic!

— Being realistic / I’ve personally found it a bit overwhelming to see all these lists of things people are going to do & accomplish while they’re at home, so I’m trying to give myself a break and not put so much pressure on what I should or should not be doing. If I clean out my closet, that’s great. If I don’t start and master a new hobby, that’s okay too. Be gentle with yourself during this time!

I’d love to hear how you’re feeling, what you’re doing at home, what you’re reading or watching…let me know in the comments!

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